Turn your food scraps into compost!

The Methow Valley’s first residential compost program is here! Want to sign up?

Here is how it works:

  • Reach out to sheah@methowrecycles.org to schedule a brief training session OR attend a Community Compost Information Session (details below). It is important for the success of this new program that people participating understand how it works and what can and can’t go into your compost bin.

  • Sign up for an Annual Pass or a Winter Pass (see details below).

  • Drop off your compost at the recycling center every Thursday between 10-4 OR at the Mazama Store on Saturdays between 8-10am (only one drop-off per week).

  • Staff from the B2G Compost facility in Winthrop will pick up your food scraps after 4 on Thursdays and turn it into compost!

Compost Memberships

Please sign up at Methow Recycles after you have completed a training session with a staff member.

Annual Pass: $100 A weekly drop-off a five-gallon bucket of compost

Family Pass: $200 A weekly drop-off of TWO five-gallon buckets of compost

Winter Pass: $58 A weekly drop-off of a five-gallon bucket of compost, Nov-April (great for home composters!)

Membership Perks

One cubic foot of compost for free in the Spring plus a discount on a cubic yard of compost (about a pick-up truck full). We will reach out to you when the finished compost is available.


Self-Haul Recycling