Curbside Pick-up via WasteWise Methow

We are happy to partner with WasteWise Methow. WasteWise picks up your recycling curbside and hauls it to the Methow Recycles facility. If you’d like to arrange for curbside pick-up of your recyclables, please contact WasteWise directly.

Curbside Recycling Guidelines

  • As always, please make sure your curbside recyclables are EMPTY, CLEAN and DRY.

  • NO glass, plastic wrap, or plastic bags in your curbside recycling.

  • All recyclables must be loose and not bagged - not even in a paper bag.

  • Please refer to our Recycling Guide (LINK to low waste living guide) for more information on what can go in your curbside recycling, and what must be brought directly to Methow Recycles.


Self-Haul Recycling


Business Recycling